Last yesterday afternoon (about 5 O'clock-ish) I popped over the Sandside to take some photos as the light was very good. I even went out onto part of the sand, the part with grass growing though, not any further, although some people were doing that - probably locals who know the sands and tide well. I was fairly busy but not overly so - it was a pleasant evening and I just walked around the area enjoying the scenery and peace.
A day catching up on family research on my maternal side, my mother's mother's side in fact. Just tidying it up now. I've got to figure a way in getting it all printed for other family members to see without it costing me a fortune.
Nothing startling in it, nearly all farmers or farm labourers more accurately. My direct descendants revealed nothing spectacular, thank goodness, every single one of them from the same area in Suffolk, right up to, and including my own Grandmother. She would have had a few stories to tell but sadly she is no longer with us.
I can find great stories of what was happening in their area at their time, well back to the 1800s anyway.
Once I've done that then probably go on to my Mother's father's side - which is the Parnell family - there is a coat of arms, but nothing to do with our side of the Parnell's. I know my own Grandfather served a lot in India in the Army and also Sierra Leone and various places.
The blip today is of a neighbour's flower and I thought it was rather lovely - it looks sort of like a red foxglove but I don't know what it actually is - I've not seen one of these before, it's very pretty though.
Do take care, stay safe everyone and see you all tomorrow.
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