... a little blurred but OMG I got Argo in flight!
I'll do my day backwards for anyone who can't be bothered to read all the earlier in the day woffle! I'll just cut to the chase.
I finished my work and decided to take the camera with me to the shop. Parked up near Argo's fishing point and as I got out of the car I saw him flash from the Friday tree to one nearly in front of me! He was staring intently into the water, obviously on a fish hunt so I was trying to keep steady waiting for the moment he launched off in a dive - imagining I might, just might, get that dive image, or at least him sat in the open with his stickleback. It felt like ages but the images I took only spanned 2 minutes. At the moment I thought he was about to dive, he turned and flew off... and I pressed the shutter. I hardly dare look at the back of the camera to see what I'd got! I had a quick walk along the stream but didn't see him again, but figured that I'd be lucky to get anything better today. The colours don't look as bright on here as they do in the original but I'll post it in Flickr too where the res is a bit higher.
I bought some mealies in the angling shop and got chatting about Argo. The guy in there said there was usually a kingfisher at the fishing pond near Dinting arches and some dippers too, so there could be a GCC investigative meet up there sometime.
Anyway back to this morning... I wasn't altogether with it first thing so thought I'd have a walk down to lapwing field before starting work. Needless to say they weren't there. It was SO cold, the wind was evil and my nose and eyes were streaming. I did actually wish I'd got a balaclava. I took photos of some sheep in a field they shouldn't have been in (my intended blip), some coated-up horses trying to eat hay that was blowing away in the wind (2nd blip choice) and watched a cyclist risk life and limb riding down a steep, very icy road (blip option 3 if he'd fallen off) - then went home because I was frozen to the bone...
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