they look like fun folk

LOTS of toys in this picture, almost like a game where you look for them all. There are even toy woodpeckers on the far right. Samuel and I don't usually walk this way.

Now that I did an internet search on "sloe gin" I'm getting the neatest ads in Facebook. 

Six years after the accident I can have some wine without getting messed up. I even read in bed in the morning last weekend and I was ok afterward. I am very grateful. 

Today I declined a lovely rehearsal dinner because it will take place indoors, and in a windowless room at that. I just can't understand why anyone would eat inside a restaurant or go to a bar. Eventually it will be cold and we won't be able to socialize in gardens and parks, but we can now. Mind, I am a very boring person with no social life. 

I tried to take pictures using my cell phone to make a reflection. I did that for one of my toy pictures - a monkey - some time ago - but I can't figure out how I did it. 

In New Zealand, the ocean is always within an hour's drive away. The ocean and the mountains, so close together, must be paradise. I always thought Thailand would be a nice place to visit but yesterday I learned that it is always hot and humid and usually raining. I joked that it was good to take it off the list because this increases the chances for every other country on the list - a list that definitely includes New Zealand. 

The administration has announced another moratorium on evictions which I am very grateful for, on behalf of all the people who were in jeopardy of homelessness. 

The administration said it will not join a global effort to develop, produce, and equitably distribute a vaccine, which is deeply embarrassing. 

We're binge watching the show Turn, about the Revolutionary War. It is fascinating. Of course, I'm cheating and looking up what actually happens to people. 

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