A boatful of honeysuckle!

Lottie and I walked over to Sandwick bay this morning. It takes about 45 minutes each way, on quiet, single track roads.  My hip/back was aching and I wanted a walk which didn't involve uneven ground. 

I started off with fleece, neck warmer and water proof but very soon was down to my T shirt. Even though it was cloudy, it was so hot and humid.  A tractor and a car passed us, but that was all.  Lots of wild flowers and birds, more devil's bit scabious, vetch and willowherb, plus we saw another stoat - a flash a ginger brown and a black tipped tail as it skipped over the road a into the verge.

When we got to the bay it was like a millpond. Flat calm, with the clouds reflected in the sea. I lay on the old pier, the stone warm on my back, while Lottie fossicked about in the rock pools. We had a bit of an explore.  It's a while since we've been down here and the old boats have really deteriorated. Lots of piles of wood and pieces of plastic buoys and the like, half buried in the long grass.  This one is the most intact. There is actually an old traffic cone hidden in the bottom of it!  I do love the way the honeysuckle has taken it over! 

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