Proud Adonis

The woman I met at Fishers Green told me about a colony of Adonis blue butterflies at Therfield Heath. It is thought that they have been introduced, which is actually against the rules of a SSSI. Ollie and I decided to go and investigate as it was a beautiful sunny day. 

We spotted them first on some horse manure, they're such a startlingly bright blue. We then climbed the very steep chalk Church Hill and quite a few more were flitting about. A man we met said that these are the only ones to be found north of the Thames.

The one in my main image has a damaged wing, I was very fortunate to have captured it on my ancient yellow Musto bag. Soon after that I got images near the golf course of a mating pair. (Extras)

What a coincidence that on the way home I listened to Andrew Adonis on Radio Four talking about Ernie Bevin.

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