And if, if you decide....
Captains Log Broad adventure Date numero quators
The day dawned bright and still.
Coffee was made; crunchy nuts were eaten. Rubbish bag was taken to the rubbish receptor.
We set off to head 200 yards away to the water pontoon. All hell broke loose.
Reverse parking. Stern in.
Nuff said.
Once we were calmed again and under way it became a beautiful thing. The sun shoneD the water was flat calm; there were cormorants, herons and kingfishers, bright blue dragon flies and ducks.
tooli sat on the roof and chilled.
We stopped off at Wroxham - there’s a bridge there and you have to ask the pilot to take you through.
We arrived just in time and slipped - literally ; tooli has parking off to a tee - the pilot came aboard, backed us up, rev’d the engine and took a running drive at the bridge.... which we cleared by about 4inches.
We wandered round the town which appeared to be owned by someone called Roy.... and then had a coffee and watched the poor pilot take more and more boats through and then suddenly. The water was too high and no one else got through ...
We left for our boat and set sail again ....and oh my but it was glorious.... we sailed for at least an hour and forty five minutes; no other boats, dragon flies aplenty... it was beautiful.
The. We pulled up along side the free moorings and so dropped us right into a little space on the jetty!
We had lunch and then a Bimble up the village. We examined a couple of pubs and decided on tonight’s dinner venue. Perfect!
We pottered around the boat. Enjoying the sun and people watching. It all seemed right ...
Then we bumbled along in the sun and had dinner. When we came out it was pitch dark ... torches on and we all staggered back to the boat. Wondering what adventures tomorrow
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