No Stopping Them

When the time and conditions are right!    Colchicum will happily flower as dry bulbs on a windowsill, their flowering triggered by a drop in night-time temperatures, something that is even more noticeable when they are out of the soil.   These Colchicum byzantinum were sending up shoots when I lifted them from the parched earth back in Norfolk last week.  When the flowers fade I will plant them in the garden where the leaves will appear in Spring.   

A full day of de-potting bulbs, broken only by meals and a few phone calls to sort things before Jamie sets off on an adventure later this week.  Tonight he and Tim took Meg for an advance test ride on the big trains, enjoying a walk along a disused railway line near Barmouth before catching the train back.   A movie night now awaits.

BIG Thank You to everyone who left hearts and stars for yesterday's special offering.

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