The Exhibition that Blipfoto Made

It started with a blip-friendship. Some time ago - it has to be at least six years but I think it is more like eight - I made a connection with an Icelandic photographer. I think it was the memories of a visit I made to her hometown in 1982 that started me looking at her blips. And we have kept in touch since, meeting in Edinburgh when she and her family came to Scotland on holiday. Gunnlaug is a member of a photography group that is celebrating its tenth anniversary these year and I proposed working together on a joint project. It became a project with thirty photographers, fifteen each in Akureyri and Portobello, paired up to work on different themes, one picture per photographer. The exhibition went up in Akureyri at the end of last week as part of the town's annual festival and today it went up in Portobello, as part of this year's pandemic-limited Art Work Porty. It will be on display into October and after Friday there will be a website with background text to accompany each picture. In English and Icelandic if there are any Icelandic speakers in Edinburgh! The extra is my image in the exhibition being attached to the fence.  

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