twinned with trumpton


Up at first light for a Cigs hunt; that did not involve a drone. (Apart from your correspondent)
A furtive hour around Meadowbank and then a more open wander in the same sort of area as the sun broke through. A lap of Arthur's Seat then home.
After a shower and a sleep, I went off to meet Her and an Asda jaunt at Chesser, before the main event
I'm not quite sure how it came about but She had somehow agreed to allow the lass to have a few friends over (approx 20). I raised an eyebrow on various levels, most pertinently was it legal? For whatever reason, She shrugged and said what could she do?

Oh - did I mention the lad was having 4 friends arrive early evening too - prior to hitting a bar to watch the football..? 

We left at 5 with people threatening to arrive from 6; a wander around the Meadows in the sunshine. I'm not sure why los ninos weren't out in what was a pleasant evening.

Predictably we arrived back and could hear a hubbub before we got to the stair, we exchanged knowing glances. In we went; a brief chat with the lass to say unless there was a significant drop in the noise then it was inevitable that the party wouldn't last. 

Less than 10 minutes later, the boys (and girls) in blue duly arrived and ushered the kids out. She pleaded ignorance (said the lass had said she was having 3 for a sleepover and we'd popped out for a walk to find a houseful - the constabulary didn't seem unduly concerned and huckled everyone out in good time)

They all went off to the Meadows (where they sensibly should have been anyway) and we were left in peace to indulge in steak and salad. I'm writing this 10 days later and I'm still shaking my head at it all.....

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