
Oh - praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition. As someone used to say, I momentarily forget who ....

Awoke to a very useful email from Shandonner, which led me on a software path of such splendour that by the end of the day I was able to write freehand, with the pencil, on the iPad, inside the wretched Adobe app in the Windows PC. I definitely owe him a dram.

Did a few hours at the interface, up the West End. Meh. Met up briefly with some Green dudes online. Malc and Syuze popped in (we're allowed to do that you know; although no embracing involved, sad to say) and we watched a reasonably hilarious movie called "A Million Ways to Die in the West".

Sorry about the boring blip - it was just testing, you understand. Almost no time lag! Huzzah!

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