All done

Just finished our run this morning and happened to see a couple of friends out walking their dogs so quick catch up but they needed to get off for an appointment so we have arranged to meet for coffee on Thursday. Sorted a few things in the camper and shopping list done to stock cupboards. Had a really good walk and catch up with the daughter this afternoon, called in to Nero for a coffee and she enjoyed one of their brownies. Both the dogs came and looked at me as they know who carries treats in her bag. Daughter had a great time in London and bought the most fabulous pair of shoes, she said they were greatly reduced but still expensive, I didn’t ask how much.
Hubby finished the work on the holly bush and I think that area looks much nicer now that the Holly has some shape and the wall and fence are visible, it should also mean no odd leaves on my seat.
Risotto for dinner and there was some red wine left so that was consumed.

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