Really thrilled to get a photo at last of TIP, as she is really nervous. The one in extra is of the little poser PETAL, taken last night with my phone. Quite worried now as the neighbour two doors up has had one of her cats poisoned two days ago, it is still alive, but extremely ill. Apparently the vet says it was poisoned with chicken laced with antifreeze, they think left out to poison foxes. I now think that may have been what happened to the cubs mother, as she has never returned. So so sad.
My other extra is my walk this morning through the lovely heather.
Have been severely trimming a few trees, painting the garden door, table and put another coat of paint of the little bridge. So I am in now for a cup of tea and a little sit down. Also went to Sainsbury's this morning, and thankfully it was empty, and the few people in there had their masks on.
Hope you like this blip, as I am so pleased with it. She has her mouth open as she was calling to PETAL.
Thank you very much for your visit.

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