Punky Speaks!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

This happens to me all the time now. Punky - resolutely silent for his first 11 years of life - has turned into a chatty catty. And most often it is aimed at me. 

As you can see, this is early in the morning, so this is his, "Can I go out even though the sun is not yet up?" meow. To which the answer is "no".

It differs only slightly from his "I'm hungry" meow. Which itself is a variation on his, "I want you to go upstairs and refresh my upstairs bowl of water" meow, which can easily be mistaken for his, "I'd like to show your around the cupboard under the stairs" meow, which TO THE UNTRAINED EAR, could be mixed up with his, "I want to roll around on the landing bookshelf while you tell me how clever I am" meow. 

And there are others. So many others. He has found his voice, after 11 years of catty life. 

I think I'm glad about this. When I haven't just sat down with a cup of tea, or am not trying to settle down for a nap, or started a film, or am trying to write. Then I'm happy about it. 

And Punky is happy all the time. And that is something.


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