At least Biscuit seems to be ok...


Bridie - she has been more tired and less interested in her surroundings today. She has eaten a little bit of chicken though. She has been to the vets and have started on some new medicine.

Hero - suddenly started vomiting. Not sure why - maybe something he has eaten. I took him to the vet, when I went with Bridie, so hopefully we managed to stop whatever it is before it really started. He did throw up on my jacket at the vets! Sigh!

Beat - cut his paw on some ice when we went for our walk. I think he will be ok though, but it did bleed quite a lot.

Biscuit - seems to be just fine! Fingers crossed that it continues!

My mum - no change really.
Please keep praying for her and Bridie.

Emmy and the Hazyland Boys + Bridie

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