Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

5 years today

since my husband passed away.

This photo taken in summer of 2012 approx.

He is tossing a pancake with our beloved grand-daughter who is shrieking with delight. He was in full health and our lives together were happy. He was a pure country boy - loved huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ and I am, well, completely different. I let him be himself and he let me be me - a recipe for success.

This photograph is on the wall of the sitting room by the door which leads to the kitchen. I glance at it often and the sight of it keeps my heart warm. I loved him dearly and love my grand daughter dearly. It’s good to love another... it keeps you human.

August is my bitter/sweet month. I met him in August when we were both young and vibrant. He was diagnosed with a terminal illness in August and following year in August he passed away at age 55. So young, really.

So August finds me fragile and vulnerable. It’s nearly over and I am glad.

Today, because of bacteria warning on Bray beach, I travelled to Greystones for 7.30am swim. It was a lovely morning with big waves and surf kicking up. I swam with a great bunch of women and we were joined by a group from Armagh. I had a coffee and jammy doughnut on the beach and it was good to be by the sea. It does me so much good. Extras give you an idea of what a lovely morning it was.

I visited my husband’s grave with some flowers and prayed for him.

I am going to my friend’s back garden and 4 of us are ordering a takeaway.

Weather in Dublin nice today.

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