twinned with trumpton


I logged on, I was faced with 117 e mails. I read a few, I got the boys up and out and back to their mother, and settled back into the 117.

I figured I could spin it out til lunchtime (easy peasy) before knuckling down to a few hours honest toil before apathy overtook me.

And off to town I didst go; to dine with Her. 

I left in gloom; hugely impressive low cloud that flickered away with little bits of lightning. Particularly impressive along the sea front where there was an uninterupted view; It kinda reminded me of a dry ice / smoky club with a bunch of strobes going off. 

Once in, it really kicked off. The thunder erupted; the lightning was popping ever couple of seconds. And the rain. Part of me delighted to be in, part of me wanting to go out and get soaked in it.

There was no way I was going to sleep so I sat and watched / listened a while until I thought I heard water trickling inside... which it was! A couple of drips onto the bed and a more pronounced source from the top of the wardrobe door. Great.... Not much to be done but make sure there was no more (there wasn't) and curl up and sleep on the sofa. 

I woke at 3 to no rain and an end to dripping so finally made it to bed.

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