Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed


It's been a long, long, long time since Mum and I have enjoyed a shopping day out. I'm going to say around February half term but it could have been before that. Who knows?!

Anyway, today we decided to bite the bullet and go for it at Meadowhall. The shops operate a red and green system to signal when you can enter and when it has reached capacity. The whole centre works on a one way system but there are crossing points at several places. I would say 90% of people were adhering to the face mask policy...and I must say those not doing were generally teenagers...they appeared to be more bothered what they looked like. Daft but anyway!

A really enjoyable day looking in the shops which felt very safe. One shop felt too busy but aside from that, very well managed.

I came home to the news that some areas of Calderdale will be out of local lockdown come Wednesday. I can finally go inside Holly's house!! It's all quite confusing though with Northowram where Mum and Dad live still being locked down despite being so close...and the same with Queensbury which is also very near by! Alas, I bubble with Mum and Dad so it doesn't really matter. :-)

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