
By Veronica


Scrumped from the tree in the children's playground on the way back from my morning swim ... once again I had the pool to myself. They have now been gently poached in part of our last bottle of rosé with a vanilla pod, to be eaten with cream or Greek yoghurt later. There are tons more on the tree.

The weather forecast was correct today; it was overcast in the morning, and in mid-afternoon it fair chucked it down. The first rain we've had for well over a month. Just in time for the grape harvest ...

Quiet days at home/in the garden; Mystère is still wearing his cone, but now he can eat from a saucer mostly unaided. His diet consists mainly of amoxicillin, tuna, smoked trout, and ham, so there is an upside. His ear is much improved, so I think I might take the cone off tomorrow.

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