
By cowgirl

Fire and Water ...

... must have made you their daughter.

Hmm, possibly but did it have to be so early in the morning!

Winging my way to work on a wet, miserable day when suddenly Myfanwy lost power. No electrics, no nothing. I managed to coast into a side lane, as I was on a main road, although there weren’t many other cars at 6.50am.

Then I saw steam coming out of the bonnet, through the rain splashed windscreen, so I got out to open the bonnet to let her cool down.

Lucky I did I guess as I realised she wasn’t over heating but was on fire!

In a scene reminiscent of the Faulty Towers episode where Basil beats his car because it won’t start, I grabbed a handful of tall vegetation and beat the flames out. Made myself giggle as I got back in to shelter from the rain and call Sav to make him get up and come out to help me!

Anyway, by the time he’d arrived, she’d cooled down so Sav strapped the battery in and we drove to work, as it was only 5 mins away.

Myfanwy spent a night there whilst we waited for new wires and a new battery bracket to arrive. Have to commend ESM on speedy service as the parts arrived the next day!

We were lucky really as the fire was next to the fuel pipe!



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