Afternoon all,
Big clear out going on in Handsome Boy's room prior to decoration next week.....he found in his memory box the book 'See Us....' , remember when blip asked for pics to tell our creative story, there was an exhibition and a book.
Handsome Boy was a lot younger then and raced through the exhibition to find 'his' pic. And lo and behold there was Joe looking at our pic telling us how they loved it and thats why it was chosen for the cover......I was stunned as had no idea. So so damn chuffed at that.
And here it is .....was blip number 400, 4 red balloons.
Still trying to get the testing sorted so don't believe the media that its now sorted....someone never put her down for a home kit as couldn't get appointment anywhere other than Inverness or Belfast for drive through!!!
Now she'll miss more school as by time its here, which can take 48hrs, its 48hrs for the results.....thank you for all messages
Keep you posted lol
Have a great day
Stay safe
TTFN :0)
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