
It’s been an interior day, (more rain, things to sort) so it deserves an interior shot.

One of the features of life since March has been engaging in on- line discussions on a whole range of things. Three examples in the last 24 hours:

* a fascinating discussion yesterday evening led by Carol Cadwalladr on whether a free and fair election is possible in the US in the social networking era. Illuminating, and very worrying. There’s going to be trouble ahead.

* an hour with Helen Macdonald this evening , author of H is for Hawk (great book). I have her new collection of essays (Vesper flights), and am really looking forward to starting it.

* today I finished “What is Life” by Nobel laureate Sir Paul Nurse. It’s subtitle is “understanding biology in five steps”. Absolutely fascinating, and written in an engaging way. The book only arrived two days ago. I am really looking forward to the online discussion next week.

The perennial sweet pea plant keeps flowering, I have blipped a similar shot a few weeks ago, different jug this time. The flowers here were picked early morning. At that time the robins are singing. They are setting up their autumn/winter territories, the singing is to let each other know who is where. A sign the year is moving on.

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