Rained off

Actually, that’s not even true. I went as far a picking Kate up, driving back to the beach and we both got out and looked at the suddenly very windy beach and essentially brown sea. Got back in the car, drive Kate home. We managed a nice little catch up though.

Will’s new school shoes arrived. Let the record show that this is his 3rd pair of DM shoes in 4 and a half terms. And he didn’t grow out of the other two pairs, he managed to completely destroy them on his scooter. Happily, eBay provides practically new pairs for under £30.

And Daisy has had a successful result from her plea to not to have to live in the university prison cells and has had her accommodation upgraded into a house. With a kitchen and everything! She is all back to being happy again.

Tomorrow, we are off on our jollies!

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