240/366 Best in Show !!!

240/366  27th Aug  Best in Show !!  Today would have been the annual Melplash Agricultural Society Show always the highlight of the year. Unfortunately as with everything else Covid 19 has scuppered it. But undeterred an entrant turned up at the show field in a torrential rain storm for judging !!. Daisy The Pantomime Cow.
A strange man (not in photo) found lurking on site who refused to give his name but may or may not have been a Show Official was overheard saying
 “ Well due to this blooming Covid-19 thingy afraid to say all entries in every class have been non-existent this year BUT as this entrant turned up in this weather on Show day it has been decided although as unlikely as its seems that Daisy the Pantomime Cow proudly owned & breed by Bridport Pantomime Players should be awarded 1st in Class. Unfortunately owing to a complete lack of opposition it is also the 2020 Show Champion !! (this very strange decision awaiting conformation by the Show Committee ).  When asked for her reaction on winning Daisy The Pantomime Cow stated she was so happy she could jump over the Mooooon”.   #bridportpantomimeplayers  #notthe2020melplashshow  #melplashshow    #daisythepantomimecow

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