Dog day

Today is dog day according to whoever makes up these things. 

The news in the US from yesterday was horrible. 

I assume I can't be the only one experiencing "derealization." I'm not giving myself a genuine diagnosis, I'm just saying that this doesn't feel real. 

I even watched 10 Cloverleaf Lane, a movie where a woman is kidnapped by a man who said he saved her, that the air outside is poisonous, and she has to decide whether to believe him or not. 

I decided NOT to watch I Am Legend because I don't want to see a movie where something bad happens to a dog, but if you have suggestions for other pandemic-appropriate movies, please, feel free to share. 

It used to be that I never posted anything political here. This was a place of respite. But then things got so bad that it felt disingenuous to not say anything, like I was deliberately ignoring an elephant in the room. 

When I say very little it might mean I had a rough day or it might mean I fell asleep on the loveseat again. I'd like to see if it is soporific for others or just for me, and if it is the loveseat or the location. 

I learned/was reminded that American suffragettes were inspired by English ones. Thank you. 

We are going to have a severe storm. In some areas it has been declared, "unsurvivable." I've recovered tremendously from my accident but I do now get headaches when it is going to storm. Thank goodness I don't live in a hurricane-prone area. 
I propped up this toy by a water fountain for dogs. At the top of the concrete is the water fountain for humans. 

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