Team Meeting

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I usually take myself off to the spare room when there's a meeting on. It's partly to spare Caro from listening to my BS, but also to get away from her if SHE is also has a meeting.

The problem is that Caro has "Loud Meeting Voice". She tells me this is not her fault, it's a habit she acquired working with a roomful of noisy recruiters in Edinburgh. She effing BELLOWS. 

So much so, that even in the spare room, I've had that testy, "Can we ALL please put ourselves on mute, guys??" from the meeting host because he can hear Caro telling a doctor about the registration process for the New Zealand General Medical Council.

What's cute, is that Jasper nearly always comes with me. He's so sweet. This is him curled up next to me during a meeting yesterday. Most of my team now know Jasper. 

So here he is after today's long loooooong Zoom meeting on progress. I would have joined him in a nap, if I could.


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