Abbey House and striped grass

Poured this morning but it dried up  by lunchtime . Walked  Fletch around the grounds of Abbey House. Weve been so lucky that we were allowed to walk round here ever since lockdown. Even though it was closed down Richard the gardener worked hard to tend the grounds, keeping the flowerbeds looking beautiful and mowing the lawn to perfection! Look at those stripes. 
We often say, if it was somwhere else we would want to have a holiday here.
As it is we are tentatively  considering a couple of days away early October. .. for the Autumn  colours.  Needless to say this will greatly depend on 'The Situation'  so it may not happen.

Back home and I finished sewing up my jumper.. It always seems to take ages to do this  but it's done and I've already started  my next project.  Lol 

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