Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2084. Kate...the chiropractor

I asked Kate after my adjustment this morning if she would mind being my blip for the day and she was happy to oblige...she said she was smiling but with all of the PPE you can’t really see her face!

A long walk from home to the chiropractor then a long walk back via a nice coffee shop to meet up with a friend I haven’t seen in weeks which was lovely..but got soaked getting to and from places this morning.

The saga with my youngest’s OU application continues...you’d think a simple question, like, can you email him his SAAS reference number as he can’t find it anywhere, would be an easy request to fulfil.....but no....I’m now on my third message to them asking the same thing again....and they don’t seem to understand why he would want to log into his SAAS account...really????....maybe to check the progress of his funding...and maybe to try and contact them which you can’t do without logging into your account!  So I’m having to message them on Twitter...my son doesn’t have a Twitter account so I have to message them for him and I’ve now given them his details three times...surely someone can respond now????

Hopefully all will eventually be sorted....

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