Murky waters

Today our weather app was correct. It was full of little rain symbols. And RAIN it has done. All day!!!

First thing this morning I only went round the block and 10 mins later we were both soaked through. At 10.30am Ann said, 'Trixie, I don't think this rain is going to stop. I'd better take you out for a proper walk.'

We went to the park and as I was already soaked through to my skin AGAIN I thought I might as well go swimming in the burn. But just look how murky the water was. And it was a lot deeper than normal as well. Ann was wearing what she calls her 'dog walking raincoat'. It comes down to almost her ankles and keeps her super dry normally. Not today?! She was wearing trainers which got soaked, that meant her socks were soaked, which in turn seeped water up her trouser legs so after an hour and a half of walking her trousers were soaking to way past her knees. I think the next time we go out in this much rain Ann is going to have to wear her wellies & waterproof trousers.

Anyway I was such a good little collie pup when I came back from my walk. I had a couple of really big shakes before I came into the house and then I just sat nicely so that Ann could dry me. I love being dried. It never ceases to amaze Ann how different I am from 'MollyCollie'. Molly wasn't a great fan of getting dried. She was always a big wriggly. But I just sit/lie calmly and I let Ann dry every single bit of my body.

This afternoon I stayed 'home alone' while Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' and a bit of shopping. She went in the car and it was actually quite scary on a few occasions because a lot of the drains were blocked which caused some quite deep flooding on the roads. Oh and the people she was meeting & greeting (a family of five) couldn't find the property when they arrived which resulted in Ann having to go out onto the street in the rain to look for them. So she got soaked again and none of them were wearing masks.

And then because she was already wet, when she came home, she said, 'Trixie, I'll take you out for another little walk now and then we can stay in for the evening.' So that is what we did.

Now we're all warm and cosy and dry indoors and won't be going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee.

Unfortunately our weather app is showing rain for the rest of our life. Booohoooo..................

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