A Bit Of Colour

I was up a bit earlier than usual today (blocked nose due to this cold) so I went to the Colinton Tunnel to get the last few shots for my AV show while it was quiet (the rain probably helped).
While I was there I also took a load of shots of the curves and did another AV show of them (I will take my hat off to whoever can come up with the title of the music used  .... there is a clue in the first two images).

The painting is the only colour I have seen today - it has been absolute rubbish weather. The middle of August and there has been a light on in the livingroom all day and we have jumpers on (no way is the heating going on).

Apart from making the AV shows I have waxed some wee boxes (most with a spinning top as the lid) - they are over here. 

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