Bum Sigh

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro was back at work today. This made me sad. She basically disappeared behind her laptop and we hardly talked.

I missed her. 

However, as you can see, Jasper kept me company. He has been even cuddlier than usual lately, and I'm not sure why. But it is really very sweet. He and I had a big afternoon nap together. I scheduled this on purpose so I wouldn't be too tired for the Princess's call. 

As usual it was a lovely chat and the biggest problem is breaking it off. We usually try to say goodbye to each other at least three times before successfully hanging up. At one point, Murphy the dog made a noise on the phone. 

"He's just sighing," said the Princess.

"Are you sure? Are you sure that wasn't a BUM sigh?" I enquired.

I crack myself up. 

Bum sighs are also not allowed when Jasper is in this position, by the way. That's just animal cruelty.


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