Naked Ladies

Aka Autumn Crocus .... which they're not!    Colchicum, in this case Colchicum tenorii, are in a different family to crocus which they superficially resemble.   Lots of easy ways to tell one from the other.  Crocus have three anthers, Colchicum six; Crocus have small rounded corms, Colchicum much larger bulbs with a pronounced 'neck'; Crocus have narrow grassy leaves, Colchicum have broad, often pleated, green leaves and while Colchicum are usually pink, sometimes white, Crocus come in a range of colours, but pink one's are almost as rare as hens teeth!

A fairly productive day at the old place, some useful sorting done.   Jamie has opted to stay overnight with his Mum which is good for everyone while I am very comfortable chez fellow blipper Norfolkdoc  and W.

The colchicum are impervious to the drought and tough enough to outgrow this year's neglect in the garden.

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