River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Courgettes & Potatoes

Beautiful blue sky when we got up, just a touch of Autumn in the air when I went to open the greenhouse ...
At midday I’d run out of steam after lifting the last of the potatoes, 
https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2711353546321692934 - courgette are doing very well too.
Sat in the garden with cup of tea (Panad in Welsh), eating an apple which had fallen from the Bardsey tree - had to share it with a couple of wasps, they’re fine when treated carefully! MrD had gone off on his motorbike ...
Lots of butterflies in the garden, they like landing on the white clothes on the washing line :-)
I was so glad to see house martins & swallows flying around at sunset last night, where do they go when it’s wet and stormy? They’re flying above me now ... I miss them so much when they leave ...
Storm Francis heading our way tonight :-((
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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