
By Houseonahill6

Low tide

We went down to Rosemarkie beach about an hour after low tide and the water had already started to come in but it was still a far distance out so we had a nice walk along the waters edge being careful as the waves lapped at our feet.
Saw one of the Brownies and her Mum and family.She remembered me and we had a lovely chat :) Really missing Brownies but we’ve decided to see how things are after the October holidays and then we can hopefully start meeting indoors again but things change everyday so we will just have to wait and see.
We could meet up in small groups outside but would need a risk assessment as long as your arm , social distancing , no songs or shouting games and with our unpredictable weather it’s not really worth it.The girls are still getting used to the new rules at school too.
We went to the allotment to cut the grass and have a general tidy up.The peas and Broad beans are near enough finished. Picked some sweet peas and pulled up some turnip for dinner.
Mike mowed the lawn at home and then had a WhatsApp call with his Mum and Dad and then with his brothers.
I’ve included a photo of the bird in the extra’s. He was sitting on the notice board and very well camouflaged :)

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