The Two Of Us

This morning we went for an up and down walk in the Wellington Botanic Gardens.  The gardens are on the side of one of Wellingtons many slopes.  This sculpture is called Rudderstone by Denis O'Connor.  The sign said: " Come and walk through the Rudderstone.  The void is in a rudder formation and symbolically memorialises our migrant cultures.  The rudder is a guiding principle, a device that steers our journey. "
I knew it was an opportunity for framing.    The forester took this photo of the lovely daughter and me.  
We then visited the little family again.  I took a better photo of them and have swapped out the one I took yesterday.  I replaced yesterday's extra with the future Godfather giving his speech.  The future Godmother is holding Finn.  I think they should marry and have their own baby because they are naturals. 
To fill in time before catching our planes we drove around the south coast of Wellington.  The day was much better than expected and lots of people were out enjoying the beaches and the water either fishing or diving.  I flew back to Nelson and Rebecca to Christchurch.  The forester is visiting our friends on their farm in the Wairarapa.  Travelling at Level Two is a breeze because the plane is half full so no one sat beside me.  There is no rush to get off and we keep the two meters as we walk to the terminal.  My bag was almost instantly there because there is less luggage.  Now to enjoy my week with no cooking and the remote control all to myself.    

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