Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Pink Crosswort

According to PlantNet that is what this flower is. It's a new one to me, I came across it in the lane just down the road from us. I guess it may have been a garden escapee as there's quite a clump of it. It's rather pretty.
Didn't go to church today, which makes me feel guilty as so many people don't have the chance to do so. Colin has a cold and it doesn't seem a good idea to go and cough in an enclosed environment at the moment, masked or not!
After a lazy start, Colin went out for a walk with our bridge friends and I walked down to Homebase to meet Ali. We bought a couple of pots and I popped into M&S briefly then she dropped me home. I couldn't believe how busy it was down there.
I finished off a couple of things then decided to walk into the village to pick up some strawberries while there are still some Scottish ones around. I took a couple of bags with me and on the way back managed to pick over 4lbs of brambles on the cycle track.
Back home I put them on to simmer and we decided on a curry from the almost next door takeaway for dinner. They're missing out at the beginning of the week as everybody is taking advantage of the dine out offer.
Emails are ready to send once I have some info confirmed! I've remembered to BCC this time.

After dinner I put the jelly to drip then went for a
soak in the bath. I'd got very wet this afternoon while picking fruit. The grass was still recovering from the downpour earlier. It didn't bother me at the time, but when I took my shoes off at home it was clear that they had been leaking dye. I looked like a blue footed boobie!!!
Thankfully after a long soak my feet are back to their normal colour, I'm still waiting to see if my socks have survived!

Keep well everybody.
Steps today a more respectable 12575

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