Rain stops play- again.....

A dry start but it didn’t last long. A day plagued by heavy showers. Spent most of it carting more barley round to the intake pit to fill into the grain tower.
Ali arrived in to spray off the spring barley with glyphosphate to kill all the weeds and second growth. The usual Crop Chemicals/ Agrii curse was working as he only got about half the first field done before the heavens opened. This is a long standing joke, but more often or not it rains when ever they turn up to spray .
A trip down the road tonight to feed cattle, repair a bit of rail fence, change the battery on an electric fence then home via the Shell garage to fill the petrol cans. The fuel is starting to slowly creep up in price now there is more demand for it. Was going to say “at least Dick Turpin wore a mask “ but that won’t work now !

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