Hashtag NZHellhole

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You know, I get so tired of right-wingers. Of their desperate need to trash anything that isn't THEM. 

Apparently I'm not the only one. I see #nzhellhole trending on Twitter today because some idiot American was gloating about NZ going back into semi-lockdown. And of course, this means "fascism".

Fortunately the Kiwis are not taking this lying down and have been posting pictures of them out and about enjoying life using the above hashtag. 

I played my part by going out for a lovely meal with Caro, Tiger and Loulou this evening. Of course, we did have to sign in with the tracer app and use hand sanitiser before we were seated* but once that was over we had a lovely time and a brilliant meal. And I had a lime daiquiri. 

The chat was as intellectual as ever. Caro proudly explained how she had recently had a "damp chaser" installed**. Tiger inquired as to whether this was a medical appliance.

Caro chose to ignore him, which only made it worse. "It'll be nice and dry down there now," she explained. Tiger rolled his eyes. "And it'll eliminate the smell." Tiger and me now openly giggling. 

It was all downhill from there. We ended up talking about pegging and what happens if you're suffering from piles. At another point Caro started talking about how brilliant Shetland is and Loulou wants to live there now.

(Shut UP, Caro! These are our best mates in NZ!)

The music was also great. Very cheesy, salsa style Euro-pop. I think by the end of the evening we had all decided to take dance lessons.

It's tough living under a totalitarian regime, I tell ya.


** See yesterday's entry.

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