Corstorphine Hill & more RANTINGS!!!

This morning we met Kay and went for a walk up Corstorphine Hill. I love, love, love, Corstorphine Hill. It's a HUGE woody area and we walked for about one and a half hours. Unfortunately Ann finds it really eerie so she never wants to walk there by herself.

I ran and ran and ran. I had the bestest time ever and then when we got home I had to have snooze time because Ann went out to do a 'Meet & Greet'. She's actually been doing quite a lot of work this week. It would seem that the tourists are returning to Edinburgh.

Mini Rant. Lol lol lol

The 'street performers' are also allowed back on the streets (see extras). No social distancing and not many people wearing masks. The 'so called' rules all seem a little crazy. Everyone wearing masks in shops and on public transport, where mostly people are keeping their distance, and yet crowds can gather together to watch street performers. It's mad!!!!

And also out of the five 'Meet & Greets' that Ann has done in the last few days, only one American guy & an English couple bothered to wear a mask when they checked in. Obviously Ann has been issued with very stringent H&S procedures to follow and she's pretty sure the visitors will have been given the same information. But do they follow the rules? No they don't.

Compared to a couple of weeks ago when I went trekking down the 'High Street' and the city was like a ghost town.......................... it's now almost back to being as busy as it is during the Festival???????????????????

Where are all these people coming from??????????????????

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