Tractor run
Popped into Leek after all the morning jobs at the house sit.
It was the outdoor antique/collectables market and I managed to buy a number of things that were not on my shopping list!
There was a charity tractor run passing through - about 80 vintage tractors. Only in Leek!
Ventured into Wilko to get toothpaste and came out traumatised by the stupidity and lack of respect displayed by the majority of the shoppers in there.
Back in the peace of the house sit a friend called round for some animal therapy and we chatted for about 3hrs - lovely catchup. The weather stayed dry for us but the heavens opened now just as I went out to do the suppertime haynets. It's very comforting standing by a happy horse munching his hay and listening to the rain hammering down on the metal stable roof.
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