Lost In Ibiza

This photo really sums up my morning, spent in the Psychiatric ward of the hospital as a friend has been sectioned. I really really do not enjoy the hospital environment, much less a locked up one. The visiting hours were not what I'd been told initially, so I ended up waiting an hour before seeing her. Really good to spend time together and hear where she's at...sleepy as on heavy duty drugs. Also good to pray together before my visiting time was up. 
I saw this graffiti as I walked and prayed my way home. It so sums up where a lot of people end up here - just lost! So many of our friends who struggle (and there are a lot) have come here chasing a dream that's ended up more nightmarish really. Praying for freedom, home and belonging for this friend from today.

The rest of the day was chilled, I felt thoroughly drained from the morning and the heat...so it was a slow pottering afternoon/evening. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being able to spend time with this friend.
2) Freedom, in every sense of the word.
3) A nice tea of Thai takeaway.

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