Andrew and Nate

My body clock has decided we live somewhere that is a couple of hours ahead and so I keep waking up at 5. This is annoying but it does mean I can get out on my bike before everyone else gets up. I say everyone, I mean H. I could circumnavigate the globe on a pogo stick and still have time for coffee before the children surface.

So I went for a bike ride, which was lovely. However, the bike is making some very odd noises though, more of which later.

Andrew whose band Atomised I played with for a bit, came over with his son Nate this afternoon. Nate, who is a grade 8 drummer has bought a guitar, an Ibanez, it should be great, it is not. It's been back to the shop and they've pronounced it sorted but it isn't. So I said I'd take a look, I can normally make guitars play a bit better, not this one though. It has a couple of issues which I have neither the skills or tools to sort out. Hopefully they will get an exchange, if not I know a man who can fix it.

Anyway it was lovely to see them, especially as Andrew has been in isolation since the beginning of lockdown (he has an impressive array of medical issues, one false sneeze and he's done for). 

After they left I tackled the bike and now know how to clean the chain (apparently the term for the muck on the chain is 'clag') and adjust the front gears. Bike now quiet, still uncomfortable, but quiet.

Must be about time to think about a drink and a curry.

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