
Lovely to meet up again after five months with pal Christina! 

She is back working with the library's reduced opening hours and very limited service. People can now order books online or by phone, collect them at the door in a paper carrier bag and return them to a box at the door. All returned books then must be left untouched for 72 hours before going back on the shelves. It's better than nothing, I suppose.

Christina and I were due to meet for coffee when she finished work at noon, but she hadn't had any breakfast (?!), so we ended up having a bowl of roasted veg-and-tomato soup (each!) and sharing a portion of chips in The Clachan.

When I got back to my house-sit, I walked Mindi into the forest behind Balmaha, but it was hoaching with visitors heading for the Conic, so I won't be doing that again. 

The garden is big enough to give the dogs plenty exercise. They'd get even more if Roag would just give up the ball after I've thrown it, but he comes back, tail wagging, with it clenched in his jaw - the ball, not his tail! - and refuses to let it go. I end up getting very cross! Roag 1: Freuchie 0

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