
I think Missy's face says it all. None of Team IttH are fans of the computer, but at least the two legged team members understand why they are a necessary evil.

A truly vile day in our part of the world, but progress made on lots of fronts by being forced to be indoors. Website updated; first post C19 course dates confirmed, C19 update blog written, new logos added to website. Had a good catchup and planning session for next week's Mountain Leader training course (which may well feature a guest appearance from another blipper...).

And the cat is officially out of the bag... Following the completion of my counselling Diploma and in recognition of my other coaching and leadership qualifications I've been accepted as a Senior Member of the ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists). I've written the pages and over this weekend I'll be launching my new Walk & Talk sessions, but the first bookings are already taken :-)))

Philosophy Friday
To begin, begin.
William Wordsworth.

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