
The sun was shining this morning - we headed out into the garden and a bit of pruning and bramble clearing commenced. Much twittering from the birds and all the crocuses and quite a few daffs are out. I then headed up to the raspberry bed which is a disgrace. In fact you can't even see the bed and most of the raspberries are so disgruntled they've moved to the neighbouring bed, which isn't a lot better. Well, I've made a start.

Himself has gone off to the pub to watch the rugby (an interesting experience as an Englishman) and I was going off to find a boulder burial but it's started to rain. Instead I have finished the card order ready to send off tomorrow. This time is even more complicated than usual as we've been recommended another printer - they're local, cheaper and the cards come ready bagged. But I feel bad about abandoning our original printer as they've been very helpful and obliging, so reprints are off to Dublin and we shall try some new images with the new printer. My brain hurts.

Edit: Son#1 has finally reached 100 blips, it's taken a while but he has a gorgeous image to celebrate with, do pop and say hello

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