Go Me

The wind has changed direction and I can see across the Meadows clearly. Gone is the haar to be replaced by a wind which seems less than storm Ellen had threatened for the east coast and even some sunshine.

For the first time in months I had morning coffee in a friend’s house. Strange to sit inside in comfort - how easily have we become used to the new normal of sitting outside and being socially distanced.

Two phone calls and a Zoom later and I am sitting out in the sun. One call was from Glasgow daughter asking if I was OK as some child in Ewan’s P2year but not his class was off school with what could be Covid and we had met up at the weekend. Fortunately we had been outside all the time and there had been no physical contact. It all shows how twitchy every one has become now that schools and leisure facilities are opening up.

The magic of dressing and blocking a newly knitted Fairisle beanie and finding all the knitting evened out never fails to amaze me. And so amazed as I am with the latest hat, I have had to blip it today along with my freshly baked oatcakes.
Go Me!

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