Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2078. Lilies...again...

The whole bunch are now fully open and the scent is divine...couldn't resist blipping them again....

So the OU saga continues...their Scotland office is shut because of covid so they're not processing any paper applications....and the SAAS funding office is closed too for the same reason....the OU tell you to go to the SAAS web site and when you do that SAAS tell you to talk to the OU...you really couldn't make this up!  So the upshot is that the course my youngest was hoping to do in October cannot be confirmed because we're being bounced backwards and forwards between the OU and SAAS on a daily basis at the moment.  And the support applied for can't happen because we cannot get the relevant NHS service to actually write and send the letter that was promised.  I get that the NHS is under significant pressures from covid but why make a promise you have no intention of keeping?  Another two hours spent this morning trying to move this whole mess forward with very little progress made....

I should say that I worked for the NHS for 34 years until 2011 and I cannot ever remember being told not to provide an office phone contact number for a patient.  I also never used to insist on patients making a further appointment to just speak to me on the phone.....how things have changed in 9 years!

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