Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Water Drops 3

Wet, horribly wet is the only thing to describe today, so I just about managed to take a few quick shots of waterdrops on the acer before I needed to get the camera indoors again!

Bit of a rubbish shot, but here goes!

Blip and run!

I went to church this morning and would have had plenty of time to blip before work, but I discovered that there was going to be a Marriage Blessing at the second service, so I stayed to see that as it was happening in the first 20 minutes :)

Of course I didn't have my camera with me (not that it seemed appropriate, although I did work with Aimee for a few years ago for a while) :)

Well done to the young couple who were married yesterday, for standing up in front of the large congregation to e blessed, most of whom they don't know (they normally come to the first service)....

Must just grab a sandwich and off to work I go!

Have a great Sunday blippers :)

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