EB from EdinBurgh

Not much time today for blipping. The day started with a dental checkup (deferred from June by lockdown) - lots of extra precautions at the dental surgery. And I am going to need some work done soon as a tooth is beginning to crack round an old large filling.

Then home to pack and a lovely drive to Edinburgh (we took the scenic route via Wooler this time, nicer than the A1). We're here for the second phase of moving Son#1 into a new flat. (The first phase was 3 weeks ago.) We spent a very pleasant evening chatting and consuming a delicious Thai take-away (the kitchen is in rather a state of chaos at the moment as the decorators are in).

So this is my Emergency Blip. The route which Google directed us on, to walk from our hotel to the flat, suggested going along this street. In spite of the "Visitors...WELCOME" signs on the booth, the threat of intruder detection along with "No Public Access" put us off going that way. Happily there was no problem finding an alternative.

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