Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Memorial Tree

Cannock Chase has many formal memorials to people but there is also a growing trend towards informal tributes.  This small bouquet of flowers was on a silver birch about 10 feet from one of the paths that runs through the wooded areas close to Chase Road.  There is no indication who it is for, but I'm sure whoever is placing them there gets some comfort from their tribute.

Despite the weather forecast L was able to get her ride in today without getting wet.  We also took advantage again of the 'eat out to help out' offer at a local pub.  It is almost like rolling back time to eat out for such a small cost. 

This evening we watched the documentary 'Becoming'.  A fascinating insight.

Day Miles:  4.2 miles. Total Miles: 1,034.3 miles

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