What a feast!
I love sunflower seeds in my bread, on my breakfast, in a veggie burger, would'nt say no to a seedpacked flapjack even. The birds like them au natural & who could blame them. These will be an absolute feast. Lucky birds.
Another busy day .... I'd cleaned the car interior before 7.30am .. picked beans, & raspberries from a neighbour's plot, offered to me obviously .. Me? Scrump raspberries??? Mais non!!!!! Dropped off lettuce & runner beans at CCF, dropped off runner beans to the nice chirpy lady in Spar. :-) Back home .. laundry out on the line ... Farmyard poo on the front border .. heavens opened, downed tools, grabbed the washing. I might have to have a word with the Met Office ... they are only based up the road in Exeter. I rely on them to get their forecasts right. GRHHH!!! Laundry in on the airer. Back outside in the rain, it's only wet, not cold.
This afternoon in the sunshine I've been weeding the brick patio area. Very therapeutic & rewarding. Then staked the Roma tomato plants, they're getting a bit top heavy. Must check out the tomato recipes.
Contacted the car insurance company for hubby, he was getting anxious over the fact that I, correction WE, did'nt need to contact them for his insurance to continue with them tomorrow when it runs out. Done!
Next contact BT re Mum's horrendous monthly bills .. Her contract ran out in 2018 so you can imagine what her monthly bills have been. Phew!!! Found a new provider just need to run it past her tomorrow when I return from doing her supermarket shop.
Pasty baking in the oven .. the aroma is wafting through which can only mean it's nearly ready. Poached plums out of the oven.
I'm possibly, if I can work out what I have to do, ha ha, attend a live art lesson at 8.30pm with Emily Powell through Instagram .. so dinner then dig out some art materials. Might open another Magner's .. the cider that inspires.
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